The possibility is there… im just too lazy.

The end of my 30 days to get my shit together ended today. I’d like to say im a size 2 my house is miraculously clean and my children are shocked in my organization skills but well I’d be a frigggin liar.  BUT what I can tell you is that my home is cleaner than it was things and are getting better around here. Also ive lost 8 pounds and 2 inches from my waist. Lets pause for a moment while we observe a moment of silence for those pounds lost and the inches I’ll continue to try to keep homeless. 


I have these unrealistic expectations on how I should look after changing everything.  These expectations tend to mess everything up because its legit to make a mistake then give up right?


Who knows. The important thing I need to remember from all my experience…. (and if you’re wondering what the hell is she talking about?? Read my last blog entry and catch up) … I need to remember that while doing everything one day at a time forces me to destress.  This in turn helps me in the long run.  The house will get clean, the bills get paid, my skin looks better and my energy level soars. Its the stress that sucks the life out of me. Im pretty sure thats common sense but sometime common sense escapes us. Especially me.

I thought about some meth but then again maybe not….


Just kidding but seriously how could anyone take that with pictures like this on the Internet?  The woman in that picture is my age. Ugggh.

But alas I realize that ive got 1 month till I am beach bound.


Its crunch time… literally.  I need to work it so this doesnt happen


Seriously kid… look away.